Style Guide
Here is a style guide for This is a regular paragraph. The Markdown syntax will make it easier to write blog posts.
Header 2
This is a paragraph below a level 2 header. Is there enough information here to make a qualitative judgement about this section? Here’s a little bit more text. I could type more here, but I think it’s enough.
Code Needed
I might write a post that has some code in it. That would look like this:
Typing ifconfig | grep netmask
in the CLI will show the IP addresses on a Mac.
Code blocks will look like this:
def reverse(text):
pos = -1
rev = ""
for i in text:
rev = rev + text[len(text) + pos]
pos = pos -1
print rev
Here is how blockquotes will look:
This is part of the blockquote. This is another part of the blockquote. How is handling all this?
This is a regular paragraph after a block quote. Nice, right?